SLIB wishes to preserve the trust its users place in it, and therefore informs them of the manner in which it intends to collect and use their personal data.

SLIB collects information by means of cookies. These methods allow SLIB to collect various types of information, including the pages visited by the User of the Site.

SLIB uses this information to optimize the display, monitor and improve its Site.

The User may at any time decide to deactivate cookies under the conditions described below.

A “cookie” is an information file sent to the user’s browser and stored on the user’s terminal when consulting an online service.

A cookie file enables its issuer to identify the terminal in which it is stored, for the duration of the cookie’s validity or storage.

 The cookies used

The information collected via cookies on this site does not in any way allow you to be identified by name. It is used exclusively for our own purposes, to improve the interactivity and performance of our website and to send you content tailored to your interests.

To give you a clearer idea of the information that cookies identify, you will find below the categories and list of cookies likely to be used.

This category of cookies is essential to the proper operation of the site and does not store any personal data. This category is exempt from consent:

Google Captcha, anti-robot solution (

Polylang, website multi-language management

This category of cookies is used to analyze website usage, automate marketing actions and manage content publication. This category is exempt from consent:

Google Analytics, audience analysis solution (

Plezi, marketing action solution

This category of cookies is used to personalize editorial content according to your usage. This category is exempt from consent:

Google Optimize, website optimization solution (

This category of cookies may be set on our website by our advertising partners to display personalized advertising based on your browsing, profile and location. This category requires consent and can be personalized:

Bing Ads, sponsored links management platform (

Google Adwords, banner advertising platform (

Cookies are kept for 13 months.

Cookies are only placed on users’ terminals with their express prior consent.

Depending on your browser type, you will have the following options: accept, reject or configure cookies.

If the User’s browser accepts the storage of cookies embedded in web pages, the content consulted by the User may be stored temporarily in a dedicated space on the User’s terminal.

The User may configure or deactivate cookies at any time, free of charge, using the deactivation options provided. If the User refuses the recording of cookies, or if he deletes those recorded, he is informed that his navigation and experience on the Site may be limited. In this case, SLIB declines all responsibility for the consequences linked to the degraded functioning of the Site and any services offered.

The user may, however, change his or her mind at any time. To do so, the user

At any time, however, the user may change his or her mind. To do so, the user must access the help menu or the dedicated section of their browser.

For example

Internet ExplorerTM :

Safari TM:

ChromeTM :

FirefoxTM :

For further information, please consult the CNIL website


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